
“Connected Learning System”

It is a learning system without borders, with all the benefits of digital education 2.0 and with complementary face-to-face activities. Students have a 100% international program, access to experts, companies and universities from different countries.

Top Reasons Families Choose Create Online

Connect with your potential

universal program

bilingual program
with international endorsement and
approved in the USA.

learning by results

Using learning to
generate products and

superior skills

Development of profiles in
planning, creativity,
criticism, analysis, etc.

Connection with the world

international realities

Relationship analysis
international in their
different realities.

face-to-face meetings

Sport activities,
artistic and musical; summer
camp as a life experience and
key learning.

Collaborative learning

Acquisition of concepts by
medium of exchange and

connection to the future

Early connection to the university

Talks, exchanges, works and
research; in third of
High school start their life

third language

Choice of third language
for study
(French or German).

professional seminars

Connection with your vocation and
skills acquisition
professionals (Marketing, law,
accounting, etc.)